Is 'The Aristocrats' a Hoax?
Wikipedia has a write-up of the story behind the joke, but here's the short version: there's a joke that's very dirty and said to be very funny that comedians generally only tell each other. It has, supposedly, been around since the Vaudeville days. A few years ago Gilbert Gottfried decided to tell it in public, and Penn Jillette decided to make a documentary about it at about the same time.
My theory: this joke didn't exist before circa 2001. The actualy joke, really, is that they're making up this dirty joke, having a hundred comedians tell it, and billing it as a documentary with historical significance.
Right now, I have two pieces of, well let's charitably call it evidence. First, Penn Jillette. If anyone was going to make up a dirty joke, then fool millions of people into thinking it's a super-secret comedian thing, it would be Jillette. Secondly, I can't find any evidence that it was posted to the Web or any other section of the Internet before 2001.--
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