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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tourettes Guy: Real?

This site contains videos of a guy we call the "Tourettes Guy". While he obviously has something wrong with him (and likes to drink), many people have suggested that his behavior is not consistent with Tourettes Syndrome.

To learn more about Tourettes Syndrome please click here or ask about it in the forums. A few fans of Danny actually have Tourettes Syndrome, and would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

NEW!! Bob Saget - Danny's truck gets broken into, gets attacked by bees, and is paid a visit by his ex-wife who smokes him in the head with some fruitloops.

Montage 2 - The Tourettes Guy gets invited over for dinner, curses someone out on the phone, won't wake up, and tries to play pool.

Rude Awakening - The Tourettes Guy's psychiatrist puts a giant 4ft. tall statue of a blue M&M next to his bed to see how a person with Tourette's Syndrome would react if they woke up and saw a giant blue M&M in-front of their bed.

A Customer Inquiry - The Tourettes Guy phones Colgate to complain about their toothpaste. He gets put on hold and pees his pants because he doesn't like the music.

Drive-Thru Troubles - The Tourettes Guy orders some food from a fast-food window.
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