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Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Lowbrow Lowdown: Commentary with Bite

Why does Kraft Foods insist on hounding a lowly comic artist?

What is Janeane Garofaluenza and is it contagious?

How did NYC's Guggenheim Museum endorse art for ad's sake?

What makes worshippers at India's festival of Maha Kumbh Mela such divine marketing targets?

How did man of the people, Che Guevara become a man of the potato?

The Lowbrow Lowdown gets to the bottom of questions like these each and every time it hits the virtual newsstands. It's been deemed "not bad for a girl," by Modern Humorist's Co-Editor, John Aboud. And Europe's guide to arts, entertainment and culture, Culturekiosque has alluded to the word wrangling of Lowbrow Lowdown author, Kate Kaye, as "keenly crafted prose…rarely seen on the Web."

The Lowbrow Lowdown is written and published with one goal in mind: fun. A lesser but no less important mission of the column is to analyze the effects of marketing and advertising on culture, society and our daily lives. The immense Lowbrow Lowdown staff pores over seemingly endless streams of content, gleaning relevant, yet lesser-known stories from an array of sources. The end result is an irreverent, opinionated, sometimes indulgent, yet guaranteed legible look at recent news and stories not only affecting advertisers and marketers, but those advertised and marketed to as well.

The Lowbrow Lowdown can be seen in its entirety at its online home, www.LowbrowLowdown.com and, sometimes, in syndication partner publications. The Lowbrow Lowdown is available for syndication. Find out more about syndication.
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