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Saturday, July 23, 2005

Jockstrap Girlz

Welcome to *the place* on the web dedicated to girlz in guys undies and the people who love them

Does the sight of a girl wearing a pair of guy's white Fruit of the Loom briefs make you go nutz?
Is the dream of a girl dressed in a Bike jockstrap among your most erotic?
Are you a girl who prefers jocks and guy's briefs over panties?

Then you've come to the right place. You're among friends. Welcome to my webpage dedicated to *Jockstrap Girlz*. Here you'll find images of girls in guy's underwear, exclusive video, stories about girls in guy's undies, and a forum to share this great fetish. And -- you also find a person who just goes crazy over girls who wear briefs and jocks. Stop by often - they'll be lots more soon!
In the meantime, why not drop me a line. But above all, enjoy!
E-Mail Me!

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