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Friday, March 18, 2005

Numa Numa Dance

"The wonderful thing about Newgrounds is how our open submission system often introduces some of the biggest sensations on the web (sometimes regrettably). The Numa Numa Dance is a good example of something that premiered on Newgrounds, only to spread virally to hundreds of other sites (those thieving bastards!).

The Numa Numa Dance enraged some but amused many. It also inspired a lot of copycat 'parodies', if you can call them that. Many of these copycats were flagged by users for being blatant rip-offs of the original, but I rescued some of the especially lame ones just to torment everyone. "

That video had me in tears. Poor guy.

NOTE: If you don't want to end up on the net, don't record yourself acting a fool on a webcam.
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