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Tuesday, March 08, 2005

The BioDiesel Diaries: In the Beginning, there was a car that wouldn't start

"My car wouldn't start one night when I was taking my roomate to go bitch-slap some ho for hooking up with her boyfriend. She was upset and so was I....my Camry wouldn't start. The most reliable, no-nonsense car in existence. It's hardly a car. You hardly have to think to operate it. It's like a magical moving machine. So I was pissed and my roomate was almost going to bitch-slap me if I didn't bring her somewhere to unleash her anger. Anyway, that's another blog entirely.
I've always been intrigued and I knew that BioDiesel can work fine in any diesel engine with little or no modification. I read website after website, assuring me of the benefits of BioDiesel. Such as:

* Cleaner burning for the air, reducing CO2, greenhouse gas, and other toxic emmissions
* It actually cleans your engine because of it's solvent properties
* It supports domestic agriculture, so we can stop fighting over there
* Versatile! It can be made from any vegitable oil, virgin or reused
* It diverts fryer oil, like from fast-food restaurants from the waste stream
* It's biodegradable, so no worries with oil spills destroying any more Alaskan ecosystems
* It's an alternative solution for when our petroleum supply depletes
* AND best of all! It smells like French Fries when it comes out of your exhaust rather than that choking NOxious smell you get from burning petroleum"

Compulsive misspelling of 'vegetable' aside, sounds like a nifty 'realiblog' documentary.

"I love the smell of freedom fries in the morning. Smells like... victory."
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