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Sunday, March 27, 2005

53% Complete | Darren Barefoot (My comment was mostly about floppy disks I still have)

I read via RSS about Darren's hard drive refreshing session, made me wax nostalgic for the days of supremely overpriced RAM and slow livin' times of the 1.44 MB floppy drive. (Can you believe floppy drives sell for around $17.99? I figured floppy drives were given out free with gum or something by now...)

Anyway, here is my comment on Darren's post. Rinse, repeat as necessary.

Paul Allen said:

Amen to this post AND your data. I've had to do the HDS (Hard Drive Shuffle) a few times since 1995.

I begrudgingly gave away my first self-purchased computer recently, a DX-2 50 mhZ , 280M HD with a smoking 16M of RAM. I remember paying $300 bucks for an extra 8M of RAM in the mid '90s, WTF?

Ah, the memories of backing stuff up to floppies. The year was 1995, while
I was working at Barnes & Noble as a magazine dept. plebe, I had a scheme to take all of the floppies from computer magazines that didn't sell and somehow sell them for .10 each.


Needless to say, that Great Plan went absolutely nowhere, but I had a shitload of floppy disks, let me tell you. Still have some of them, as a matter of fact.

I'm looking at an install disk from CompuServe (an H&R Block Company) WinCIM Ver. 2.0.1 and a floppy of Spry Mosaic Direct. That disk has a Customer Support number on the disk, a little time traveler from the past: 206-515-2995

I'll have to try that number in the morning, see who's there.


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