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Thursday, January 13, 2005

assniffer | Cockos Incorporated

"assniffer - an auto saving sniffer for windows and linux | | | | assniffer can monitor (using winpcap or pcap) a network, and for | | every HTTP transfer it sees, save a copy of the transferred data. | | | | This is less for sinister uses, and more for taking advantage of | | the already-transferred data that your computer may be exposed to. | | | | Windows users should first download and install winpcap. | | Linux users should install libpcap, and tools to enable compiling. | | | | Download: assniffer 0.1 alpha (8/20/04) (ZIP) | | License: GPL | | Send improvements to justin, at, well, you can guess the domain. | | | | Once unzipped, run the assniffer executable for command line options. | | (For linux, first go to the source/assniffer directory and type 'make') "

Hell, I like it just for the funny name.
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