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Friday, November 26, 2004

Meet my new fiancée

I have not met her face to face, but I sure hope she likes the freaky sex.
All the hearts on the website tells me that she is full of love and desperate, so I am sure I can get her to do some nasty stuff.

I really like the romantic way that I first saw her. I mean it is not everyday you met your future ex-wife on a billboard, but I like her adventurous spirit.

The one thing that I do find troublesome is that some other guy that saw this billboard has already knocked her up. I am nothing, if not understanding, so I am pretty sure I can work past this.

"Why would I rent a billboard to find a husband?I am simply ready to be a wife and a Mom. I realize this isn't the most conventional method of finding a husband, but is anything really "conventional" anymore?"

I think not Theresa, I think not.

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