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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

BikerFox is ready to come to work!

NBC Entertainment, Bob Wright, Roy Brandon Burgess, Lynn Calpeter, Richard Cotton, Dick Ebersol, BikerFox is ready to come to work for the Network Broadcast Corporation, All he needs is a little bit of direction from your writers, producers, and especially your directors. We are going to make a great team, NBC. Rock the world! Love BikerFox!

"self-es-teem \,sel-fe'steem\ n. 1 : a proper satisfaction with one's own worth 2 : an inflated opinion of one's own worth

con-fi-dence \'kan-fed-ens, -fe-dens\ n 1 : FAITH , TRUST (had confidence in the leader) 2 : consciousness of feeling sure : ASSURANCE (spoke with great confidence)

char-ac-ter \'kar-ik-ter\ n 1 a : a conventional marking indicating origin or ownership b : a mark or symbol (as a hieroglyph or a letter of an alphabet) used in writing or printing c : a symbol (as a letter or number) that represents information; also ; something standing for such a character that may be accepted by a computer 2 a (1) : a distingushing feature"

Glamour shots. Wheelies? This has to be a joke.
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