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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Norfolk Academy - Form VI English - Southern Literature and Culture (Fall 2005)

"One of us is strange fruit."

"Course Description: In this course, we will investigate the parameters of southern identity through novels, plays, poems, and other cultural “texts” (ranging from food to music to clothing, etc.). The two images at the top of this syllabus represent two very different ways of explaining the South, its history, its conflicts, and its obsessions. Writing: These assignments will range from expository and argumentative essays to fiction and poetry. Each original writing will count twice towards the final average, and each revision will count once. Though students may revise “A” essays for additional commentary and education, they will not receive a higher “A” grade for that revision. In addition, I will require that students revise some essays. Naturally, some assignments will be longer than others. All writing assignments will include instruction in the advanced and subtle nuances of English grammar and prose, which will allow you to become a more precise and adventurous writer. Occasional grammar tests and editing worksheets will help us strengthen both grammar and writing. Format for Assignments: All compositions written outside of the classroom must be word-processed. Please use 12-point type and one-inch margins. Write all in-class compositions in dark ink, and single space. Also, please write on only one side of the paper. Place the following heading (flushed left and not justified) on each paper turned in to me: Your Name, Creative Title (for the piece of writing, and yourself should you wish!), Date, Bell. Reading: In this course, we will not only read as many different and diverse Southern authors as we can, we will also read a large variety of writing styles and genres. Occasional reading quizzes will keep us on task as well as extending our understanding. " (more) Norfolk academy referencing page

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