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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Men In Coats

Review from Chortle.co.uk

Men In Coats are basically good old-fashioned clowns. Forget the painted faces and oversized shoes, though, this is physical comedy at its finest.

They have also been called a mime act, though, strange as it may seem, it's easy to miss the fact they don't talk - for there are no cliched invisible walls or strong gales in this talented pair's perfectly-rehearsed routine.

To try to describe the act would only do it an injustice, save to say it's a relentless stream of brilliant visual humour, mostly achieved by the use of a simple black curtain.

These simple sight gags could belong to a variety turn of a different era, yet Men in Coats bring a modern pace, verve and originality to their craft that means you're too busy laughing to worry about it. A delightful change from the norm.

Watch the video funny here.

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