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Thursday, June 02, 2005

Slashdot | New .XXX Top Level Domain

Posted by Zonk on Thursday June 02, @08:54AM
from the wakka-chikka dept.
Jigabug writes "There's a story over at Yahoo! News mentioning yesterday's approval by ICANN on a new .xxx TLD. Domains are currently planned to be offered at 60.00 each for registration. The .xxx joins the recently approved .jobs and .travel." From the article: "Adult-oriented sites, a $12 billion industry, probably could begin buying xxx addresses as early as fall or winter depending on ICM's plans, ICANN spokesman Kieran Baker said. The new pornography suffix was among 10 under consideration by the regulatory group..." CNN and the BBC have commentary as well.

$60 a pop(shot)? Whew, that's a pretty hefty load to blow on an address. Need to fluff up the ol' bank account to keep it engorged with cash to afford that.
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