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Saturday, April 02, 2005

Slashdot | Modified Prius gets up to 180 Miles Per Gallon

"shupp writes 'The NY Times (free reg. required) reports in that some folks are not content with the no-plug-in rule that both Honda and Toyota endorse. By modifying a Prius so that it can be plugged in, Ron Gremban of CalCars states 'I've gotten anywhere from 65 to over 100 miles per gallon'. The article also reports that 'EnergyCS, a small company that has collaborated with CalCars, has modified another Prius with more sophisticated batteries; they claim their Prius gets up to 180 mpg, and can travel more than 30 miles on battery power.''"

Damn, sign me up, Texas gas is up to 2.15 a gallon, that is starting to make me angry.
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