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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Robert Blake Off To Do Some Cowboying and Anderson Cooper is Oh So Jealous

" BLAKE: I’m going to get a job. I’m broke. Right now, I couldn’t buy spats for a hummingbird. What did Johnny Carson say? You’re innocent until proven broke. Well, by the time Gerry and these troops got here, it was the bottom of the barrel. I was a rich man. I’m broke now. I got to go to work.

But before that, I’m going to go out and do a little cowboying. Do you know what that is? No, you don’t know what that is.


BLAKE: Cowboying is when you get in a motor home or a van or something like that, and you just let the air blow in your hair, and you wind up in some little bar in Arizona someplace, and you shoot one-handed nine ball with some 90-year-old Portuguese woman that beats the hell out of you."
(more at the link)

Anderson Cooper is wearing me thin with bringing up the 'cowboying' phrase on his CNN show every stinking night.

How old is this guy anyway? Does his local Wal-Mart not stock any Grecian Formula?

(article via defamer, rant via Monkeyman)
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