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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Preach’s Monday Rant: Club me to death ('The Big Lebowski' fan club)

Ok, I could not wait until Monday to rant.

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I loved The Big Lebowski. I mean I really loved it. I have probably watched it 10 times and will watch it another 20 before I die, but that does not mean that I am going to ‘become’ a character in it.

This may seem an odd rant, but since I write them, I get to choose what’s in’em.

It seems to me that in today’s rough and tumble world, where nothing is a ‘given’ and we have destroyed every cultural and societal standard, that we cast about for belonging in a haphazard and trivial way.

I recently posted on this on darrenbarfoot’s blog regarding the forming of ‘childfree’ clubs so that like minded people could hangout together and be around others that shared this common interest and not be bombarded by people that have kids, so I will not repeat too much from what I said there.

So, now back to the Big Lame’oski. So you found an organization, get a website, and hold a fest, stars show up, and then grown people play dress up. Is this just a ‘fun’ thing to do or is it people searching desperately to add just a little bit of meaning to their lives?

Can we really have a meaningful life filled up with fan clubs, common interest clubs, and other randomness? Will this give us a sense of wholeness and a life well lived? I guess that is all a matter of perspective.

I am off to the Eastside Gothic Disabled People’s Alias watching party.

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