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Saturday, January 08, 2005

LiveJournal user made a maze of salt, puts a slug throught the gauntlet

I don't know what is cooler, the pictures of the slug navigating the equivalent (for a slug) of a maze of acid, or the flame war that ensues afterwards.


Re: PETA has been notified.
2003-09-18 20:16 (link)
bearfoot, u are FUCKING RETARDED, anonymous isnt his name dumbass. GEEZ, goofy ass wolf man

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I'm the dumbass?
2003-09-19 08:37 (link)
I'm sorry, I hide behind your l33tness and obvious supiority.

And if you actually beleived that was a sensere apology, then I'm shocked at how little you comprehend...

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Re: PETA has been notified
2003-09-20 19:48 (link)
He was kidding people. *referring to the anonymous poster*

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Re: PETA has been notified
2003-12-02 06:39 (link)
What I found the most amusing is that he actually misspelled it "ANNOYmous"


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Re: I'm the dumbass?
2004-11-28 21:57 (link)
and if you believe he passed 4th grade spelling.. you're SINCERELY in for a surprise

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Re: I'm the dumbass?
2004-11-28 21:58 (link)
he also spelled superiority wrong.
way to go. youre much more believable when no one can read what you type.

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