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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Shizzy's Mailbag - Website tricks new Starbuck's employee via email

The Set-up:

Most of us have a love/hate relationship with Starbucks. I lean towards hate because it's funnier. Plus, they wouldn't hire me. When a manager called one of my references, my old boss said I was "unreliable" and had "attitude issues." Who actually fucking calls references?

Anyway, you know the great thing about big, publicly-traded companies like Starbucks? It's so damn easy to get a list of their entire staff. Staff directories are great -- especially when they list everyone from the CEO all the way down to the lowest level peon.

Speaking of peons, here I begin a friendly dialogue with Roger Simmons, a brand new assistant in the human resources dept, hired just a few weeks earlier. This is the lowest level person I could find that still works in the office. I think it's so nice that the President and CEO of Starbucks International would send a welcome letter to such an unimportant person. Don't you?



(hit the title link for all of the emails, they are great!)

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