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Monday, December 20, 2004

It's Just a Plant - a children's story of marijuana

(from the site's F.A.Q. page)

Why did you include information about the illegality of the plant in the book? Won't that scare and confuse children, especially if their parents use the drug?

Examining marijuana without mentioning that it is illegal is misinformative, and maybe even dangerous. Some schools encourage students to "rat out" their parents who smoke marijuana, and it is important to explain the necessity for privacy on the topic. While it can be quite difficult for a child to understand why their parents might engage in illegal activity, it is an issue that should be discussed in a fair context.

There are police officers in the book that argue marijuana should be legalized. Did you make that up?

Police officers around the world are beginning to agree on the failure of the drug war. Prohibition has created catastrophic crime surrounding marijuana's distribution and prison for recreational users continues to destroy family structures. The police are especially discouraged by the waste of resources used to fight the plant at the expense of focusing on more important "crimes."
For more information, try Peace With Police and Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
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