iGoatse iPod Case - Gizmodo

"'The new iGoatse is the definitive skin for your iPod. There are no words to describe it. And you know why.'" (thx 4 link, Sean E.!)
iGoatse iPod Case - Gizmodo
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Thursday, March 30, 2006iGoatse iPod Case - Gizmodo![]() "'The new iGoatse is the definitive skin for your iPod. There are no words to describe it. And you know why.'" (thx 4 link, Sean E.!) iGoatse iPod Case - Gizmodo Kitten With A Whip ~ Natasha Strange » Blog Archive » Well isn’t that sweet.
"This morning when I found out that there is a web cartoon named “Princess Natasha” which has recently been acquired by Cartoon Network, I though, Yah! Imitation is of course the sincerest form of flattery, then in the shower, somewhere between shaving and conditioning my various royal parts, I realized, that this was probably, in fact, a very bad thing for me. Indeed, a quick google of “Princess Natasha” shows that I am indeed the TOP royal, but directly underneath my link promising BDSM and cock control, there is a listing for a pre-teen cartoon called “Princess Natasha.” Oh my." Kitten With A Whip ~ Natasha Strange » Blog Archive » Well isn’t that sweet. Friday, March 24, 2006Friday web zen: video zen
http://www.audiovisualizers http://www.videofeedback.dk http://www.thetoiletonline.com http://www.danandsean.com http://www.elevatormoods.com/ http://www.pleix.net/films http://www.post-videoart.com/ http://park.nl/park_cms/public web zen http://www.webzen.org -- Thursday, March 23, 2006Finding drunks in a bar -- what are the chances?
"SAN ANTONIO, Texas (Reuters) - Texas has begun sending undercover agents into bars to arrest drinkers for being drunk, a spokeswoman for the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission said on Wednesday.
The first sting operation was conducted recently in a Dallas suburb where agents infiltrated 36 bars and arrested 30 people for public intoxication, said the commission's Carolyn Beck. Being in a bar does not exempt one from the state laws against public drunkeness, Beck said." (more) Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.com Wednesday, March 22, 2006Porn star hits it big as wine-maker
Oddly Enough News Article | Reuters.com: "NEW YORK (Reuters) - It seemed like the perfect gimmick: a celebrity porn star would launch her own wine, with her alluring picture on the label.
Savanna Samson did just that, but when it received a score of 90 to 91 out of 100 by wine guru Robert Parker, the project became serious. It turns out Samson, the star of 'The New Devil in Miss Jones,' has produced an exceptional wine, becoming the toast of two industries: wine-making and pornography. 'I never wanted to just do gimmick. That would just happen with me being a porn star, me having a photographer shoot the label, how risque could I get on the label -- all those things,' Samson, the stage name for 31-year-old Natalie Oliveros, said in an interview." Cool morphing video - Fehlfarben "Chirurgie 2010"
I thought mophing was soooooo over in the early 90's, but this video is trippy and cool.
"The new video of the german rock-group 'Fehlfarben' from their album '26 1/2' on Wonder/V2music." YouTube - Fehlfarben "Chirurgie 2010" Re-Enactment: Star Trek: First Contact - YouTube (embed video)
Hahaa, priceless.
"The Fifth of my Re-enactment series. I'm not a trekkie, but I do think Star Trek: The Next Generation is a kick-ass show, rivaled only by its kick-ass movies (with the exception of the last one...). First Contact is a good example. In this scene, a woman from the 21st century is on board the Enterprise, which is slowly being overtaken by a race of aliens known as the 'Borg.' Captain Jean-Luc Picard does not want to self-destuct his ship, even though it is the only way to defeat the Borg once and for all. The woman attempts to talk Picard into doing it. This will only be funny if you have seen this movie. If not, sit back and enjoy my shitty impersonation of Patrick Stewart. Notice that I didn't even attempt to look like a woman for the other part. Just use your imagination. Resources: a very nice red turtleneck Note: That's a Star Trek: First Contact hat lying on Picard's desk. Thought I'd throw that in there." YouTube - Re-Enactment: Star Trek: First Contact Saturday, March 18, 2006Shakespearean Insulter
Shakespearean Insulter
Thou qualling ill-nurtured barnacle! -- Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours, that bolting-hutch of beastliness, that swollen parcel of dropsies, that huge bombard of sack, that stuffed cloak-bag of guts, that roasted Manningtree ox with pudding in his belly, that reverend vice, that grey Iniquity, that father ruffian, that vanity in years? Taken from: Henry IV, part I -- Thou loggerheaded base-court popinjay!
Thursday, March 16, 2006'Don't you know a cow was murdered for that jacket?' QDB: Latest 50 Quotes
QDB: Latest 50 Quotes: "#628411 +(267)- [X]
Wednesday, March 15, 2006Sunday, March 12, 2006Porn star Mary Carey invited to White House dinner with President Bush as somewhere, Bill Clinton loses his mind
"Porn star Mary Carey invited to White House dinner with President Bush as somewhere, Bill Clinton loses his mind"
From http://imdb.com/name/nm1298556/ Coming Attractions (2006) (in production) .... Porn Star Bosom Buddies 6 (2005) (V) Pervert! (2005) .... Cheryl Best Breasts in the Biz (2005) (V) Can You Be a Pornstar? 7 & 8 (2005) (V) .... NonSex Inseminated by 2 Black Men 5 (2005) (V) Kick Ass Chicks 20: Haley (2005) (V) Kick Ass Chicks 21: Squirters (2005) (V) Lick My Balls (2005) (V) See Arnold Run (2005) (TV) .... Mary Carey Tit Happens (2004) (V) Lessons in Love (2004) (V) .... Peaches Big Breasted Beauties (2004) (V) Can You Be a Pornstar? 1 & 2 (2004) (V) .... NonSex Can You Be a Pornstar? 3 & 4 (2004) (V) .... NonSex Can You Be a Pornstar? 5 & 6 (2004) (V) .... NonSex Celebrity Porn Stars Exposed (2004) (V) Football Fantasies (2004) (V) Hustler's Greatest Tits (2004) (V) Kick Ass Chicks 13: Cytherea (2004) (V) Kick Ass Chicks 14: Alexis Malone (2004) (V) .... NonSex Kick Ass Chicks 15: Taylor Rain (2004) (V) .... NonSex Liquid Gold 9 (2004) (V) Mary Carey Rules! 3 (2004) (V) Mary Carey Rules! 4 (2004) (V) Mary Carey Rules! 5 (2004) (V) Sexy Movie (2003) (V) .... Starr Cheerleader School (2003) (V) Being Ron Jeremy (2003) Red, White & Blonde (2003) (V) Club Carrie (2003) (V) Busty Dildo Lovers #4 (2003) (V) New Wave Hookers 7 (2003) (V) 100% Jenna Haze (2003) (V) 5 Guy Cream Pie 5 (2003) (V) Boobsville Sorority Girls (2003) (V) Cheerleader Pink (2003) (V) Dirty Girlz (2003) (V) Double Air Bags 11 (2003) (V) Enchantment (2003) (V) Femme Nikita Denise 2, La (2003) (V) High Rise (2003) (V) Hook-ups 2 (2003) (V) Kick Ass Chicks 8: Jessica Darlin (2003) (V) Lesbian Big Boob Bangeroo 2 (2003) (V) Model Lust (2003) (V) .... Liza ... aka The New Girl (USA) More Than a Handful 12 (2003) (V) Princess (2003/II) (V) Sapphire Girls (2003) (V) .... Ruby (Thorn ?) Sweatin' It 7 (2003) (V) Thumpin Melons (2003) (V) (as Marey Carey) V-Eight 8 (2003) (V) Hot Showers 6 (2002) (V) Big Blowout (2002) (V) Busty Beauties 3 (2002) (V) Asses In the Air 4 (2002) (V) The Devinn Lane Show 4 (2002) (V) Femme Nikita Denise, La (2002) (V) Grand Opening (2002) (V) Pussyman's Decadent Divas 18 (2002) (V) Pussyman's Divas 17 (2002) (V) FARK.com: (1956452) Porn star Mary Carey invited to White House dinner with President Bush as somewhere, Bill Clinton loses his mind Thursday, March 09, 2006Trampoline Trick (video)
Pretty nifty. I could easily see that going oh so wrong, though.
"Somebody should have pulled the trampoline away when he was up there." glumbert.com | media | Trampoline Trick Saturday, March 04, 2006Thursday, March 02, 2006Michel Gondry Gets The 'Party' Started
"Michel Gondry is a hard man to understand.
Not because he makes mind-bending movies about people erasing memories from their brains. Not because he directs music videos that turn alternative rockers into Legos, or fills recording studios with yards of yarn. But because he is, literally, a hard man to understand." Michel Gondry Gets The 'Party' Started Jessica Alba threatens to sue "Playboy"
" BEIJING, March 2 -- The Sin City star, Jessica Alba has threatened to sue Playboy magazine for using her image for commercial purposes without her consent and causing 'immeasurable harm' to her reputation and career. " (pics at link) Xinhua - English
Wednesday, March 01, 2006Russell Crow is scared of gay Luke Perry - buzzawards1.gif (GIF Image, 625x500 pixels)![]() buzzawards1.gif (GIF Image, 625x500 pixels) trex in: compressed Bible Comics the New Testament![]() qwantz.com is greatness. will_smith.png (PNG Image, 735x500 pixels) Russian oligarch does not mind his beautiful wife starring in softcore porn film - (pic, SFW)![]() Hey Rob, It's you Rob, i'm writing now in 04 to remind you of how great a day you had praying today. F u t u r e M e . o r g
This is a random public future email from some dude named Rob. Guess some people are using futureme.org as a time travel diary.
F u t u r e M e . o r g: " Hey Rob, It's you Rob, i'm writing now in 04 to remind you of how great a day you had praying today. You also fasted and read your bible like you wanted too. At this time in your life you were doing good, you had just been praying that God would help you to pray and study more. Bro. Johnny is out of town now so you are teaching sunday mornings at church. The church still hasn't got the bricks on it but it's going to happen real soon. You and Chasity had a great day wrestling and playing with charity. Charity if you don't remember is trying to walk at this time and is getting pretty big. She's almost 11 months old. Chasity appologized today for being snappy when we first got up. She doesn't appologize often so i thought maybe this would be a new trend and wanted to remind you when it started. Well work has been great you've got 11 in 4 days and it's the 5th day now,.... still waiting to see what happens. Well hope everything is great in the future. Just remember God we serve today is the same God that Jacob, Isaic, and Abraham served. Everything he brought them through, he will bring you through also. So no matter what's going on, just remember now what you should do to make it right. Trust in God no matter what. Don't be scared to have faith. You can't please God without Faith. Remember the scripture Acts 2:38 Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. also John 3:5 Verily Verily I say unto thee except a man be born of the water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Rob keep the faith. Don't err in the ways of God. Sincerely, Robert Swinning (written Tue Oct 5, 2004, to be delivered Sun Oct 5, 2008) " |
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